Edirne cami mimar sinan

How is the mosque of Selim II different?

Open airy interior contrasts with conventional mosques. Includes a hospital, school, library. Sinan was chief court architect for Suleyman the Magnificent. Transitions from square ground plan to round dome achieved by inserting smaller domes in corners.

What was the Selimiye mosque used for?

In 1925, at the request of Atatürk, Dar'ül Kurra Medrese was converted into a city museum. After the Second World War, it served as an office, a student hostel, and a warehouse. Now, it functions as Selimiye Foundation Museum. In 1936, the Dar-ül Hadis Medres was converted into an ethnographic museum.

Where is the Selimiye Mosque located?

Edirne, Turkey Mosque of Selim, Turkish Selimiye Cami, monumental mosque, Edirne, Turkey. It is considered to be the masterwork of the great Ottoman architect Sinan. The mosque lies at the summit of rising ground and dominates the city's skyline. Mosque of Selim (Selimiye Cami), Edirne, Turkey.

What inspired Mimar Sinan the architect of the Mosque of Selim II to build a structure that would outshine Hagia Sophia?

The architect had wanted to disprove claims that no architect could match Hagia Sophia. Selim II funded his project with booty taken from the Ottoman campaign against Cyprus, a Christian island. Sinan sought to build a monument for the Sultan that expressed Islam's triumph.

Why did Sinan build the Blue mosque?

He wanted it to be a central part of Istanbul's skyline, showing the supremacy and glory of Islam. They chose a site on top of a hill near the Golden Horn. It could be spotted from miles around at this location. The mosque took seven years to construct.

What was the reason for building Selim II mosque in the city of Edirne?

Exterior. Selimiye Mosque was built at the peak of Ottoman military and cultural power. As the empire started to grow, the emperor sought to centralize Edirne. Sinan was asked to help to construct the Selimiye Mosque, making the mosque distinctive and serving the purpose of centralizing the city.

What is the Selimiye Mosque made of?

Ashlar Marble Selimiye Mosque/Materials